Sample 1:

20 ways to beat procrastination!

Most of us procrastinate over something in our lifetime and we all have reasons and excuses for not getting tasks completed.

Usually people procrastinate due to one of three reasons: We either don’t have time, or we don’t like the task at hand, or the task is just too hard. Sometimes we may procrastinate due to all three reasons.

However you’ll find that the most motivated people you know, usually beat procrastination. How do they do it?

They have methods and tricks, which they use to get themselves up and going. I’ve listed some of those methods for you, to help you get motivated and beat procrastination.

Here are 20 ways to beat procrastination and get the job done:

  1. Delegate! If you really don’t want to do it, delegate the task to someone else. This might mean paying someone, but sometimes it’s worth it.

  2. Set a timer and get up, without thinking about it and do the task you’re procrastinating over. It’s the thinking about it, in which you can talk yourself out of it.

  3. Create a hand gesture that you can link to making a move – I’ve heard of people who click their thumb and middle finger, or clap their hands together and that’s their cue to take action. If you can get into a habit of doing something similar, this method might work for you.

  4. Turn off the TV, as soon as your show finishes. Better yet, don’t even turn the TV on, until you’ve done what you need to do.

  5. Set your alarm in the morning and do not hit the snooze button.

  6. Put your alarm on the other side of the room. This makes you actually get up and out of bed, to turn it off.

  7. Trick yourself into doing only 5 minutes of the job at hand. Most of us don’t mind doing 5 minutes of something. When the 5 minutes is up, tell yourself you’ll do just 5 more minutes. Continue until you finish. Also, sometimes once you make that start, you then continue automatically, even after the first 5 mins is up. Sometimes once you start, that’s all you need to get you going.

  8. Have a partner to which you are accountable. Tell them what you’re going to do and give them permission to ensure you follow through. Don’t get annoyed at them, when they exercise the permission you’ve given them.

  9. Let your family, or colleagues, know that you are planning a ‘say no’ day. This way they are aware that if they ask you to do something on the planned day, you will say ‘no’ because you are focusing on a task you wish to get done. Family and colleagues are less likely to ask anything of you on this day and are less offended when you do actually say no to them, because they’re expecting it.

  10. Facebook and emails can easily distract you, therefor do not turn on Facebook, or open any emails, until you’ve completed your task. There’s nothing so urgent with either of these, that can’t wait. If it’s urgent, you’ll get a phone call.

  11. Having said that, switch your phone to voice mail and screen the calls that come in. You then won’t be distracted and can answer the urgent calls only. You’ll find there won’t be that many of those. Any other phone calls, you can ring the caller back later.

  12. Get the hardest task done and out of the way first, then do the easy tasks. You’ll accomplish a lot more, when the hardest task is done.

  13. Break the task into smaller chunks, or bite sized pieces. This way you will at least make a start. Once started, it's easier to continue. If you haven’t the time to do the whole job, at least you can get a little bit done each day.

  14. Instead of talking yourself out of the necessary task, talk yourself into it. You’ll be surprised how effective this method will work.

  15. Write a list and tick each item off, as you do it. You’ll get a great sense of satisfaction doing this and it will encourage you to continue through the list, until everything is done.

  16. As you go through your day, every half hour or so, write down what you’ve done. This method keeps you on track and focused and you’ll get more done throughout the day. When you can see what you’ve accomplished, you’re more likely to do the task that you’ve been putting off.

  17. Write a list of things to do in order of importance. Put the task you’re procrastinating on the list in its order of priority. Do your list in order and don’t skip past any item on the list.

  18. Put on your favourite music. It’s much easier to face a job you don’t like, when listening to music.

  19. Make it fun. Gather your friends for a working bee, dance if you have to. If it’s fun, it’s easier to do.

  20. There’s something to be said for the story of The Little Train That Could, who said, “I think I can, I think I can.” Repeat this phrase, as you make a start on the task and watch what happens. I know the outcome of this will surprise you.


Whether it’s exercising, cleaning, paperwork; whatever it is that you’re putting off doing, you’ll find it much easier once you know the tricks to being motivated and beating procrastination.



Sample 2:

Depression – The Silent Killer.

With the death of Robin Williams, the suicide of yet another celebrity, it’s time we all talked about depression.

On the internet, Wikipedia’s ‘list of suicides,’ will surprise you by the amount of celebrity suicides who are on that list. Footballer’s, writers, musicians, actors, artists, members of parliament, comedians, poets, journalists, directors, the list goes on and on.

Depression doesn’t stop at celebrities. According to Beyond Blue and The Black Dog Institute, mental illness will affect almost half of the population, at some point in their lives.

At any one time, 1 in 3 people are depressed.

Visit any of the web sites mentioned here, for ways to help yourself,

or someone you know and stop this terrible illness today!

Lifeline’s statistics state that suicide is noted as being a leading cause of death, in Australia.

From time to time everyone can feel sad and depressed. The problem is when that sadness lasts for a prolonged period of time. Prolonged meaning; lasting longer than 2 weeks.

Mental and behavioural disorders are linked to higher suicide rates, as is chronic pain, with other factors being drug and alcohol use, family and relationship breakdown, sexual, physical and emotional abuse. Major loss of something important, as well as unemployment and financial problems, are also linked to high rates of suicide.

Symptoms of depression are withdrawal from friends and activities, inability to sleep well, crying a lot, thoughts of suicide, behavioural changes; such as turning up late for work, when it’s not normal for that person, over eating, or under eating.

Sometimes you might notice a cry for help from someone you know. You might notice they are self-medicating; using drugs and/or alcohol, to mask depression. They might take up smoking, or you might notice that they are smoking more heavily than they normally do. Perhaps they have gained, or lost weight, rapidly. 

Often depressed people won’t openly discuss how they are feeling. The shame that they aren’t coping isn’t something willingly talked about, however if your gut feeling is telling you something isn’t right, find a quiet place and ask “Are you OK?” Though the person may not wish to talk at this time, at least they know they can come to you when they feel they’re ready.

Suicide can be prevented. It takes vigilance, by each and every one of us, to see it and act before it’s too late. If you, or someone you know is feeling depressed, seek the help you need. Don’t become just another statistic in this tragic cycle. Let’s work together and defeat this devastating, but preventable illness.

Sample 3:

Empowering the Poor to Create their own Riches!

For those amongst you who are not wealthy, you need to know, “It doesn’t have to be this way!” There’s a myriad of ways to make a million dollars, all you need to do is find the way that suits you.

However this article isn’t just about monitory wealth, it’s also about giving you the keys to create wealth for yourself, in all areas of your life. The aim of this article is to empower you with the tools so that you may become rich. Rich in spirit, rich in joy, rich in love, rich in finances, rich in relationships, rich in knowledge and to help you live the life of your dreams and live that life abundantly.

This isn’t a new idea, nor is it a quick fix. There are many people selling you, for big dollars, a quick way to riches. You may have heard the adage; if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Most of the get rich quick schemes don’t work. There are some people who, you might say, are lucky. I ask you – are they lucky or do they instinctively know the formula for creating wealth?

Perhaps those people were raised in a family who already had the formula to wealth creation. Most of us weren’t born so lucky. Everything we have, we’ve had to struggle to get. The aim of this article is to get you off Struggle Street and into the Bay of Plenty. The Bay of Plenty is in New Zealand and is noted as having abundant resources. That’s what I want this article to give to you; abundant resources!

I want you to live the life of you dreamed of, when you were a child, before the harsh realities of life presented themselves to you. You think; "This is just the way life is." You’ think it's normal to be poor. This thought process is weaved into the tapestry of your life. This is your reality. I want to show you a changed reality.

When you start this journey, remember to enjoy the journey along the way. I’ve had so many experiences, that have been so much fun, as well as unexpected. So enjoy the journey, along the way. Stop and smell the roses as you go. For it’s what’s deposited into your memory bank, that you’ll draw out, during your latter years, when you have the time to sit back and watch the sun set on your life. That memory bank can be full of precious gems, or lumps of coal. It all depends on the deposits that go into your life. And remember – it’s never too late. Today is all you have. Make it count.

Though we really are meant to live in victory, that’s not what’s happening in your case. Otherwise you wouldn’t have felt the need to read this article. Let me tell you something now…You act out on who you really believe you are, regardless of what you want in life!

You might appear successful to those around you, but underneath all that bravado and all that pretension, is a scared child. You are scared that people can see through the facade you’ve created and that someone might see you for what you really see yourself as; ugly, sinful, hurt, a failure, a timid little mouse, too frightened to venture out into the world.

Oh you may fool some people. You may appear confident and dress to impress, but underneath you’re hoping that people like you. You think you’re a nice person, but you often wonder, what does the person next to you think? Do they know, you’re not who you appear to be?

When life’s not going too great, you don’t want anyone else to know. You want people to see the success you’ve created for them. However, until you see that success for yourself, success is always going to be elusive to you, no matter how hard you try.

There are so many books on positive thinking out there. They do work, they do make a difference, but only when you start to see yourself, in your own mind, as who you want to be. You may be able to trick the people around you, but you cannot trick yourself.

If you really can’t see a positive about yourself, you’re going to create a negative. That’s a fact. It’s a universal law. For every equal there’s an opposite; up, down, in, out, rain, sun, wet, dry, good, bad. The underlying mental process of your life will create the outer reality that you experience.

Did you know there is actually a formula for creating wealth? Like all formulas, they need to be worked out, to get the right mix for the right result.

Even the Mighty Lord of the Bible first had the word with Him, then He said the word, “Let there be light.” And there was light. So even God started with the positive thought, then then He spoke what he wanted and then what He wanted appeared. It’s a formula He used, which had been written down, over 2000 years ago, which is still relevant today and which is the basis for all positive thinking books you see on the market today.

There is a formula, just as one plus on always equals two, just as two wrongs don’t make a right, just as a positive and a negative can’t equal a positive. There are universal laws that never change. To create a wealthy life, you first have to think wealth, then speak wealth, before you see wealth.

If you want success in your life, you’d do well to follow the bible. That is the ultimate success formula. Many of you won’t seek God’s word and in that case, there are plenty of books on positive thinking, which will turn your life around. Note though; that all of the books on positive thinking, discuss a higher being, a creator, a God. Even they see the value of the Great Creator, in drawing success into their life.

I hope these few words draw you to a life of big dreams. Dreams of love, joy, abundance, laughter and good health, in mind, body, spirit and soul. I hope these words help bring meaningful relationships, clarity in life’s choices with wisdom to know what’s right and what’s the right thing to do, in all situations. There is a key, or a formula if you like, to having success in this life, you just need to know where to look.


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