About Me Page:

Alexandra Grose - author, journalist, freelance writer, photographer and short term share trader.

Wanting to work from home and needing the flexibility of working around raising my children, I spent many years perfecting the art of short term share trading. 

As I gained in trading experience, I eventually recognised in minutes a good trade setup, and I found I needed to spend less and less time studying trading methods. With the children maturing and more able to fend for themselves, I now had time to spare. 

This free time led to a love of writing and I enrolled to study journalism and so started a second career, during the quiet times of the stock market. 

As well as writing books, I write article content for blogs, websites, magazines and newspapers. I am also a 'ghost writer' of various works and after completing a photography course, I felt, adding photographs to my work when needed, has rounded out my career nicely. 

I think the motto: "Do what you love and the money will follow," will lead you to a very fulfilling life, as it has for me.


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